July 5, 2011

Days 181-185

I left my laptop at home while we spent 5 days at the new family cabin, so I'm consolidating those days in one post. I can't remember a holiday weekend with such good weather. There were storms one night, but the days were full of sun and heat. Lillian caught her first fish, which she refused to touch. McKenna is finally baiting her own hook and even removed one fish, although she requires gloves to do it. We put many miles on the pontoon and participated in the Horseshoe Lake Fourth of July boat parade. My parents came up on the 4th and spent the day with us. The only blemish of the weekend was Libby - our 11 year old chocolate lab - running away during fireworks. She is terrified of fireworks and pees everytime she hears one, so we had her outside on the deck with us while we watched the show in the bay. We realized around 10pm that she had disappeared. Two hours of searching, one phone call to the Barron County sheriff's department and car and foot searches yielded no dog. Poor McKenna was in tears and I was envisioning the worst. Finally, at 1am the neighbor's dog started barking like crazy and I ran outside to find Libby on the road in front of the cabin. She has never run away like that before, and I would love to know how she spent those 3 hours! We already decided next year she's getting locked in the bathroom.

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